Thursday, October 28, 2010

Examples Of Exterior With Objects

Homework due Tuesday, November 2:
Exterior with Objects
Draw from observation of an exterior space with object that define the space.
Work loose-to-tight, unfinished-to-finished.
Drawing pencil or Charcoal pencil (2B, 4B, 6B)
Consider how line variation can be used to give the illusion of the extreme depth of three-dimensional space provided by an exterior vs. the shallow depth of the still life.

Here are a few examples. Pay special attention to how each student handled the line variation of distant objects versus closer objects. What did each of them do to give the sense of extended, deep space?


  1. shit! did number 2 and 4 use a ruler?

  2. #4 used a ruler to get the staircases nice and geometrical. I don't have a problem with that.
